Resources of Atawhai

Atawhai Tikanga

Te Pono We strongly believe that Resources of Atawhai can generate tangible change with primary care providers, whānau and families working together

Te Tika

We create a safe space for discussion that upholds mana, manaaki, safety and compassion for one another.

Te Arohanui

With this arohanui and an unconditional positive regard for others, we can have the confidence, courage – kia maia kia manawanui – to advocate for change.

The Resources of Atawhai Network raises visibility of family violence as a key determinant of ill-health and is an advocacy network of health and social professionals, organisations and stakeholders committed to transformative change in this space.  We encourage everyone to get involved in the project.

Pathways to Responsiveness

Actions for Change

Hei Atawhai – the Atawhai Network

Resources of Atawhai is a distinctive primary care network that connects people to people, knowledge, and tools, translates knowledge across settings, and advocates for change in policy and practice. Since the beginning of this research, the Atawhai Network has grown to include approximately 200 health and social professionals, organisations, academics and whānau. We have identified over 1000 relationships amongst the members of our amongst members of our network.